99.91 miles…

Happy 28th of July!

Don’t worry. You didn’t miss a holiday or anniversary. I mean it’s somebody’s birthday and it’s somebody’s anniversary. It is, also, National Milk Chocolate Day…so, go eat a Hershey bar!

In a “ohmygosh…how did I not see this before” moment, I realized Nike+ adds my miles up for me each month. I don’t know how I’ve missed this information before. I will say, it takes all the fun out of using the calculator. Seriously, computers are taking all the fun out of everything. They do so many things we were taught to do in school. Do you even buy your child a calculator for school anymore? Don’t you just buy them a cellphone so they have a calculator and cheat-tool in one?! There I go again. Seriously, thank you Nike+, I’m not sure what I’ll do with all this free time? And, now I’m going to obsessively check my mileage online. So much for that free time….

With this discovery came this great knowledge that I’m sitting here having run 99.91 this month after this morning’s run (It’s July 28th…see why I wished you a happy day?!). These are, solely, training miles. (Yes, I count race miles when I run races. Do you?! A race counts, right?! You’re running after all!) Back to my incredible point. THERE ARE THREE DAYS LEFT IN THIS MONTH. I’m hitting that century mark and I’ll keep on going! Feeling strong! And, while the excitement fills my veins, I would like to make it my goal to continue with the century streak for the remaining 2013 months…shouldn’t be too hard with marathon training. A little challenge come November…unless…I have a something on the horizon to keep my feet happy! (And this is especially exciting for me because I had a lot of trouble finding the joy in running at the start of this year. I barely ran at all. It feels good to have my heart back in it!)

And more happy news…

I signed up to run with a pacer at the marathon...AND they sent me a little box with goodies!
I signed up to run with a pacer…AND I received a little “thank you” box with goodies!

I’ve never run with a pacer. Never thought about it. Until recently. Still thinking about it. Have you run with a pacer? What did you think?

AND my socks came in the mail last week! YAY!
AND my socks came in the mail last week! YAY!

HAPPY RUNNING! And, what are you waiting for…go get that Hershey bar! Like I said, Happy 28th of July!