It’s a new chapter. Blank pages. Endless possibilities.
Make it count.

I am really excited about this year. Last year, I learned a lot. Who I am. Who’s with me.

I also conducted a little experiment: would I run if I didn’t have races on the calendar? Completely scientific, no outlying variables. Highly reliable. Results: I will not run unless I am training. No problem. In fact, I like a new blank calendar. Again. Blank. Pristine. Waiting for plans. Endless possibilities. Yesterday, I registered for another 2014 marathon! I am so excited. Here I come, Wineglass Marathon. I was already registered for Pittsburgh Marathon. Are you counting with me? That means two more states for me! Oh, yeah! And I am seriously thinking about running the Kentucky Derby Marathon…another state! I am also hoping to run MCM and Richmond Marathon. (Both VA and I’ve already run my state a few times.)

Ahhh, so as you can see I have a plan to get me running. Or, rather, to keep me running! I have also looked into a few half marathons, and 10-milers. I am sure other races will pop up through the year. Here’s what I don’t want: I don’t want to run the same races that I’ve already raced. The two big exceptions are MCM and Ragnar Relay. With that said, you may be thinking, “Uhm, Megan, you’ve already run Kentucky Derby.” And, yes, you are right. But I am not running the same distance. In fact, I am running double the distance so that makes it new, right? For me, it does.

It’s going to be a great year! Short run today. Just my short 2.5 mile loop. AND, I forgot my watch. YES. I got a new watch for Christmas! Thanks mom and dad! I don’t think I PR-ed once last year. I had a lot going on and I didn’t really push myself. And, I don’t really know how fast I am going until I look it up on my Nike+ when I return. This year, I will PR…once…I hope. I know I can run faster.

That’s all for now.

A quick review of the year that was 2013.
I ran three marathons. I became Marathon Maniac 7799. MCM was my favorite race for the second year in a row. This was my favorite medal:

awesome medal: Bird-In-Hand Half Marathon 2013
awesome medal: Bird-In-Hand Half Marathon 2013

And, this was my favorite “elite runner” story. LOVE MEB!

Do you know the story behind this photo? If not, read it here: http://running.competitor.com/2013/11/news/mike-cassidy-finishes-nyc-marathon-with-his-idol-meb-keflezighi_89095 or, here: http://www.letsrun.com/news/2013/11/time-life/ YOU'RE WELCOME!
Do you know the story behind this photo? If not, read it here: http://running.competitor.com/2013/11/news/mike-cassidy-finishes-nyc-marathon-with-his-idol-meb-keflezighi_89095
or, here: http://www.letsrun.com/news/2013/11/time-life/ YOU’RE WELCOME!

HAPPY 2014!
Start filling in the blank pages.
Make this year COUNT!

happiness is…


maybe it is a warm puppy…or a warm gun…

or, perhaps, happiness is excitement about a race!

it is for me!

and the race i am so excited about is just two weeks away…

BIRD-IN-HAND Half Marathon!
I’m actually running the Firemen’s Challenge…so 5k on Friday and then half marathon on Saturday!
I cannot recall the last time I was this excited for a race.

Following the bag pick-up fiasco at Rock n Roll USA, I declared I will never run another RnR and I wanted to explore smaller races. I feel there’s great potential with smaller races which include but are not limited to greater race experience for the runner, and benefits the race brings to the local community.

Bird-In-Hand seems to fit the bill. This race benefits the local fire department.

And then there’s all the pre-race excitement. Several months ago, I registered for the challenge after commenting to a runner at a race I was volunteering at…I yelled out that I’ve wanted to run the race, because I noticed she was wearing the race shirt, and she yelled back that it is a great race and I have to run it! Okay! I think I registered later that day.

Then the emails started. But it’s not like the big races who send you the same email each time. No. Each email offers new information. And then there’s their FB page. Oh my!

Look at these medals…handmade in the Amish community…

really the most unique medal i’ve ever seen! now, you’re excited, aren’t you?! so, you’ll have to run this race next year…sorry, it’s sold out for 2013! (borrowed this picture from https://www.facebook.com/BIHhalf, go friend them to be in the know to run this race in 2014)

But the excitement about running in the Amish community started well before that. It was at run club spring-ish 2012 right after the Runner’s World issue arrived at my house. I commented about the article telling of the elite Amish runners. They laughed at me. So, that evening, I texted this picture.

if you haven’t read this article steal borrow from your friend’s collection! (runner’s world, april 2012)

Just as creative as the medals, the race released a picture of their unique race shirts on the Facebook page. Unfortunately, not all the runners were excited. So, they quickly released an alternative. I have mixed feelings about all of this. Since the race benefits the fire dept., will some of this money be lost on creating and producing alternative shirts? Honestly, I like the alternative better and I know that I will wear it more and therefore “advertise” the race. Perhaps, someone will comment to me, just as I did back in the spring, and I can yell back, YOU HAVE TO RUN THIS RACE!

race shirts (picture borrowed from https://www.facebook.com/BIHhalf)
race shirts (picture borrowed from https://www.facebook.com/BIHhalf)
alternative race shirts (picture borrowed from https://www.facebook.com/BIHhalf)
alternative race shirts (picture borrowed from https://www.facebook.com/BIHhalf)
firemen's challenge shirt (picture borrowed from https://www.facebook.com/BIHhalf)
firemen’s challenge shirt (picture borrowed from https://www.facebook.com/BIHhalf)

And, while I haven’t run this race. I am all sorts of happy. Many shades of giddy.

At least it will give much to think about for 18 and 20-miler marathon training runs these weekends leading up to the race. I’m dreaming of a race, a race I cannot wait to run…

i’m climbing over a slippery molehill…

I have hit a rough patch and I’m sorry I’ve been dragging you through it with my boring posts. I wish I had races to write about. So, I hope to change that soon. For nearly six months, I have been left to myself. Solitary confinement. I haven’t had the opportunity to run races. The one thing I can do is run in my neighborhood. So, I learned to hate it. With a passion. But finally, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I seem to have neared the crest on this slippery molehill that is mountainous!

In reflection: last year, at the Historic Half race, I qualified for Half Fanatic status becoming HF #2431! That was one of my 2012 goals! Achieved by running three half marathons in 90 days! That was a year ago today…by date. To celebrate, I registered for the Fire Company Challenge at the Bird-in-Hand Half Marathon! So, I am running the 5k and Half Marathon! I am so excited. Another weekend adventure with running shoes. There seems to be a theme with how my fall is shaping up. I am happy to create fun experiences to look forward to…it’s what I’ve needed these last six months!

Historic Half 2012…my Half Fanatic qualifying race last year! (And, I was SO sick!)

AND, some fun this weekend! I am volunteering for TAPS (Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors), which provides support to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one in military service to the US. My wonderful friend Bill is a mentor with this amazing group and the reason I know about their great work. This weekend, I will help at the National Seminar in Washington DC. I am so happy to volunteer with a group that helps our military families.

My great friend Bill!
My great friend Bill!

Also, this past week, I had a great news for the Hatfield-McCoy race…

I've been upgraded...full marathon #2, I'm running your way!
I’ve been upgraded…full marathon #2, I’m running your way! Thank you, Mr. Hatfield! I cannot wait to run your race!

Since, my race status changed from half to FULL marathon for the Hatfield-McCoy race, I really took my long run seriously this weekend. 20.66 miles! Oh, yeah. My legs feel it a little today. But, not bad at all! YAY!

And, I have found some fun races that I have added to Race Wish List! The 2014 idea calendar is filling up quickly! :)

photo 3

Finally, some traction to get up this molehill! YAY!