race recap: perfect 10…

So, I have really fallen off the earth. Really. It’s been weeks since my last post and I have been in one of my social media slumps. There are so many things stealing my attention. I recognized this weeks ago when a co-worker was telling me something and then looked at me and said, didn’t you see it on Facebook?! ‘Why, no, I didn’t because I am not addicted to Facebook and I don’t stalk (many) people on social media.’ And, I have been even worse at reading my Blog Reader. Shame on me. What you don’t know is I crossed my eighth September finish line on Sunday. Therefore, I have a lot to tell you or maybe I don’t. There’s a chance I have forgotten most of what I mentally wrote. Where was I?

Race Recap: Perfect 10 (aka, Thank Heaven for 7-Eleven!)

It was perfect weather for a fall run Sunday. 50s. So, tank and shorts. For some reason, I feel the need to tell you what I wore because some runners were dressed for the arctic tundra. I would have passed out at mile 1 dressed as they were…but to each his own. I liked the course around Reston, VA. Soft, rolling hills. Trees to shade you from the rising sun. And, it was so easy to get to the race. It starts and ends at a high school where there is ample parking. I decided to head out about 6am for the 8am start. My first mistake.

I arrive 1 hour and 15 minutes before the gun. So, I read my e-book on my phone. I’m such a nerd. Then, about 7:50 I thought I should look for a porta-potty and find the start. Well, I didn’t find the bathroom. This would be my second mistake. And the start was very low-key. Just a mat on the road! With 2 minutes until the start, we walked over and got in place, which meant we surrounded 3 cars! It was interesting to say the least. Off we went. You could choose to run the 10k course, or add more distance with the 10-mile course, which is the distance I chose. As it turns out, we all run 6 miles together where we arrive back at the school. Then, the 10k runners turned back into the school parking lot headed for the finish, while the rest of us ran on for another loop and came into the school from another direction. I recognized the benefit of this design while running near two ladies coming up on the 6-mile mark. They were each running each of the distances and shared the road together for six miles before bidding adieu.

My smile may be fake-ish, I liked this race...once I solved my second mistake...
My smile may be fake-ish, but I liked this race…once I solved my second mistake…              (wanna know what the race shirt looked like?! that guy’s wearing it.)

It was a pleasant run until I realized, I really did need the bathroom. And, at around 2.5 miles, I hadn’t even come across a water-stop, but what I did see was a 7-Eleven. I couldn’t decide…should I? Shouldn’t I? Then, I saw a man veer off and I was right behind him. At least, I solved that issue! Thank heaven for 7-Eleven.

It's not just your coffee I love...I love YOU, 7-Eleven!
It’s not just your coffee I love…I love YOU, 7-Eleven!

I would pass by three water-stops for the 10-Mile course. Many of these stops were manned by the high school cross-country team. In fact, the CC team was the majority of the volunteers.  Most were great cheerers, too!

This race, marked my second track finish, ending on the high school track. I kicked it in high gear to finish. With my pit stop, I found myself wanting to make up for lost time on the remaining 7.5 miles and was so happy when I came across others I had seen earlier in the race. I know I’m a little crazy. But we already knew that! And, I didn’t want the lady next to me to pass on the final stretch.  I have a little competitive energy in me.

Can you tell that I've kicked up the pace?!
Can you tell that I’ve kicked up the pace?! Still pretty crummy time but I did make a pit stop!

I hope to share the other unmentioned six races I ran in September but who knows….! And, I have a new running role that I’ll tell you about. Or, maybe I won’t. I hope it doesn’t cause me to slack on my own blog!

Until then, go grab some 7-Eleven coffee!
(I love fall for fine running weather and Pumpkin Spice coffee.)


This post could, also, be accurately titled, “Obsess Much?!” but I feel I’ve used that title…maybe not…whatever. I’m too lazy to check. So, this week, it was back to work. Ahh.

Last week, on the many adventures, I had the most brilliant of ideas…because all of my ideas are BRILLIANT until they are not. Since I’ve realized my strength…I’m sticking with brilliant. (Or, some synonym of the like but again, I’m lazy…)

My idea was to wake up before I needed to get up for work, run a little, clean up, go to work, have a great afternoon and then run my training runs in the evening. And, I did. Turns out, by Friday, I had added an extra mile to the morning run AND I ran in the RAIN! (My shoes even made a horrible squish sound for the last mile! I just kept wishing my wish, Please no blisters!) I’m over all this whining about the heat. It’s summer, folks, it’s suppose to be hot. Run or don’t. Kind of like running up hills, I like a challenge, even if it doesn’t quite sound like a quality challenge. Hey, you, I ran in the heat and humidity. Works for me. Sounds like a great accomplishment!

i'm not sweaty...just rain-y!
i’m not sweaty…just rain-y!
my poor shoes...luckily they dried!
my poor shoes…luckily they dried!

These last few months, I haven’t had the opportunity to run many races. Whatever. BUT. Things are looking up for the fall. I didn’t run and didn’t have anyone to run with but that’s okay. Maybe, in this time, I was suppose to learn multiple lessons…that of strength, of true friends, of courage, of my own self-worth, and how to mend a broken heart. Oh, there I go again…off-topic…. I registered for a trail half marathon. There’s this long blah-blah-blah explanation of the process but I didn’t read the whole thing. A friend from run club who’s an ultra runner and genuinely encouraged my initial trail racing (and tolerates my silly questions), told me about this race last year but it was already too late in the multiple steps of registration. (See above…lots of directions for this one.) I hope that I have one of the lucky numbers in this lottery!

Then, last Sunday, during “Sunday Call-In” with my family…oh, wait. I digress…a-gain. I just want to point out that my family is really cool. While leaving on Saturday, my dad said, “We’ll talk tomorrow…. It’s Sunday!” Because after six days and 979 miles of adventures, we were going to have something new to talk about 36 hours later. And we did.

Sunday Call-In looks like this. FaceTime. I’m always at my desk. My parents are always sitting next to each other on their couch. They look like they are being filmed for a documentary about cute couples…sometimes my dad will say something and my mom just looks at him and laughs. Then he shrugs. They’re cute. Oh, where was I?!

So, again, a Brilliant idea. I really need to bottle up this brain power. It can’t last forever. I found a “local” race to run the week I visit my family. No big deal, right?! Except, nothing is really “local.” The way I figure it, and as I explained to my family, I get up at 4am, drive to the race, run, and return. I mean what else is there to do in the country on a Sunday at 4am. Aside from sleeping, checking on the neighbors chickens… Whatever. My dad questioned it a little and said the whole, “well, if that’s what you want to do….” My mom was just smiling. Subjects changed. And then later, my dad said, he thought he go with me to the race, sleep in my car for 1 1/2 hours, and then walk to the finish to take some pictures of me…you, know, if I decide to run the race! Pretty cool!

I’m lucky to have a supportive family.

And, I continue on the with the obsessive lists of races to run….

ALERT: I am changing the subject a-gain…

So, this whole, “two-a-days” has depleted my summer running clothes. I had to do laundry before the weekend! HAHA! On any given day, if you asked what is the most essential running item, I’d give a different answer. Ask enough and I think “Balega socks” would come up more often. I LOVE THEM! I’ve tried Feetures, SmartWool…others. Balega, though, is my one true love! I’m a fan of the female specific socks but after talking the ear off the Balega rep at an Expo, I’m a little “okay” with the unisex socks. At some random-ish, Pacific-coast, running website, I found my favorite No-Show, Ultra Light Balegas in gray and lime. I am currently stalking the UPS website for their arrival. And, then, oh, then, I looked for more. I mean they are my FAVORITE SOCKS and while I currently have six pairs, they can’t last forever and they can’t get me through these next few weeks of “two-a-days” and, then, oh, then, I FOUND SOCK GEEK! You probably already know all about “him” but I just found him. And, now, I have more socks to stalk for delivery. I will now stop buying socks. Even though I do love them and they are necessary…. They keep my little feet blister free! And that matters. A lot. (Sorry, I realize, I sound like a commercial!)

disgusting! i need more socks...clearly...
disgusting! i need more socks…clearly…

I mean I do have races to train for…not just the marathons! (I like to say that, “marathons!” Who would have thought multiple marathons for this gal?!) Like I said, I am waiting for word about the VHTRC (Virginia Happy Trails Running Club) Women’s Half Marathon (trail). I already registered for the Charles 12-Miler and maybe my friend I invited will run, too. It’s nice to have a friend at the end. I registered for the Annapolis Half Marathon. I’m thinking about the Scioto Mile(s) Ten-Miler. And, as I sit here at my desk, I can see the envelope I scribbled all my race ideas on. 1 rule: 1 race per pay period. Because I have a “race allowance” to keep myself in check. Between obsessive searches of socks and races, I’m one tired gal and my wallet would be empty if I didn’t keep myself in check!

my dentist loves me…

It’s true! Somehow, she remembers I’m a runner. I haven’t figured it out. I would say it’s in my file but they don’t carry around files. Everything’s on the computer screen and all I see is a diagram of my pearly whites. Anyway, she’s great, even when she chastises me! Whatever. Maybe I deserve it. Oh, there I go again…I digress…

My dentist loves me but my new dental hygientist does not like me…not one bit…and the feeling’s mutual. Days later and I’m still in a bit of shock. I asked why this cleaning was more exhaustive than previous and she couldn’t explain. While captive in the chair, unable to defend myself, with her fingers and tools impeding my ability to communicate…until I turned away. You see, I figured out what happened but I knew I would keep this information to myself but with all her lecturing and complaining about her child’s teacher (I hate being a captive listener), she was going to let me choke on my own saliva. It seems to me, more often than not, dentists and hygienists love to vacuum your mouth dry but this new gal was going to let me die a slow death.

What was my grand realization that I was keeping to myself? I’ve been living a “everyday is Fat Tuesday” life for June. I felt like I was entitled to eat whatever I wanted even though I’ve had the worst stomach issues…gee, I wonder what’s making me sick–salad or five s’mores? Dang salad! No, I get it. Well, that and taking daily flossing more seriously. Yes, ma’am, I do so solemnly promise to floss with the “c-method.” Oh, that and cut back on the junk. My stomach will thank me, too.

2013_June29_Molassas Cookies

It’s still my Fat Tuesday…sorry stomach and teeth. It will end soon. In the meantime, I have cookies to make for the arrival of my family! I just love sweets. This is going to be tough…starting July 7th, when I’m back to being on my own, I’m cutting the sweets. I have to before my marathon training includes mid-run bathroom breaks and before my dentist hates me. She wouldn’t want to know, that I recently discovered the addition of eating to racing but I think I’ll draw the line…well…maybe…

seriously you run a 5k and eat doughnuts...the more you eat the more minutes deducted from your time...i could WIN this race!
seriously you run a 5k and eat doughnuts…the more you eat the more minutes deducted from your time…interesting!

I could really cut time off my run with this race.  You actually deduct time based on how many doughnuts you eat. Really?! I’ve heard there’s a Krispy Kreme (predecessor?!) race but I don’t know if you get to subtract time based on your stomach capacity. I’d be game! I love Krispy Kreme. Don’t tell my dentist!

There’s a more local race for me that I really thought about it but I’m pretty sure you have to be a member of the “clean plate club” before finishing this half marathon and chili can make me sick and then adding running…not for me but it is apparently a reason to love DC according to this month’s issue of Washingtonian magazine.

2013_June29_Half-and-Half Race_Washingtonian magazine

I have cookies in the oven so I must get back at it…before the healthy life kicks in…

May you have a healthy Independence Day with a few miles under your feet!

OH! I nearly forgot, I registered for two more 2013 races (Charles Street 12-Miler and Annapolis Running Classic)! I’ve really missed racing this year so I am back on the crazy-train of racing…dreaming and registering and running! OH LOVE!

i’m climbing over a slippery molehill…

I have hit a rough patch and I’m sorry I’ve been dragging you through it with my boring posts. I wish I had races to write about. So, I hope to change that soon. For nearly six months, I have been left to myself. Solitary confinement. I haven’t had the opportunity to run races. The one thing I can do is run in my neighborhood. So, I learned to hate it. With a passion. But finally, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I seem to have neared the crest on this slippery molehill that is mountainous!

In reflection: last year, at the Historic Half race, I qualified for Half Fanatic status becoming HF #2431! That was one of my 2012 goals! Achieved by running three half marathons in 90 days! That was a year ago today…by date. To celebrate, I registered for the Fire Company Challenge at the Bird-in-Hand Half Marathon! So, I am running the 5k and Half Marathon! I am so excited. Another weekend adventure with running shoes. There seems to be a theme with how my fall is shaping up. I am happy to create fun experiences to look forward to…it’s what I’ve needed these last six months!

Historic Half 2012…my Half Fanatic qualifying race last year! (And, I was SO sick!)

AND, some fun this weekend! I am volunteering for TAPS (Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors), which provides support to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one in military service to the US. My wonderful friend Bill is a mentor with this amazing group and the reason I know about their great work. This weekend, I will help at the National Seminar in Washington DC. I am so happy to volunteer with a group that helps our military families.

My great friend Bill!
My great friend Bill!

Also, this past week, I had a great news for the Hatfield-McCoy race…

I've been upgraded...full marathon #2, I'm running your way!
I’ve been upgraded…full marathon #2, I’m running your way! Thank you, Mr. Hatfield! I cannot wait to run your race!

Since, my race status changed from half to FULL marathon for the Hatfield-McCoy race, I really took my long run seriously this weekend. 20.66 miles! Oh, yeah. My legs feel it a little today. But, not bad at all! YAY!

And, I have found some fun races that I have added to Race Wish List! The 2014 idea calendar is filling up quickly! :)

photo 3

Finally, some traction to get up this molehill! YAY!

soul searching…

There’s been so much to think about these last few weeks with the world. As a singular being on this little vast planet, I realize there is so much sadness recently. I wish all people could see the beauty in his space. Each day brings a renewed hope and joy.

I have decided to run more and race less next year. So, ignore my original idea of running for extra bling. In 2013, I just want to run without the need of a race to propel me forward on a running journey. I want to notice the beauty in the nature that surrounds, and in the faces around me. That’s my new plan. I will run to be happy. I will run to be me in my solo journey to find a stronger version of me, the happiest me.

May all your loved ones be near and may your holidays sparkle and shine with your love.

Today, I joined friends at Arlington National Cemetery to support the amazing Wreaths Across America organization. Here are a few pictures. It was peaceful morning, full of joy and hope. Please take time to learn more about this group.

And as you may imagine, I thought a lot about My Favorite Marine. And, again, like so many days recently, he stayed with me, keeping me company.








leesburg 20k race re-cap

Fun! Leesburg 20k tech shirt and “license plate” timing chip/bib! Have you ever seen anything like it?! And Pam making a run for the bathroom…but that line is looonnnnggggg!

The 20k started in beautiful Old Town Leesburg and out around a high school and then onto the W&OD Trail, where much of the running took place. (This is the same trail that makes up part of our weekly run club run…but it’s so beautiful 30 miles away in Leesburg…sorry Arlington!) I wondered if it would be crowded considering we were running on a trail but it wasn’t bad at all. There were a lot of cyclists but they were most understanding. The waterstop volunteers were energetic and positive! I always think this is important!  The weather couldn’t be more perfect. And the runners were out having a great time! My friend Nestor says that I need to be more friendly when I run…guess the “look of death” isn’t inviting! Who knew?! So, I enjoyed the short conversation about how long and how high would we climb the hill before us with Mr. Blue Shirt. There were two ladies who liked to pass me and then STOP to enjoy their Shot Bloks and the first time I was frustrated but then I let it go on the second, third, and fourth time because I  knew what they were going to do! And let’s face it, they were always passing me so they were doing something right! I doubt that few people worry about something being in their pockets when the finish line is in sight…but, I knew I wasn’t running my strongest race and I would PR by default, so when I saw a park trash can, I veered off the left turn to throw my last Shot Blok in the trash but overshot it! A waiting cyclist on his bike and steadying another bike told me to “Go!” he would make sure my trash made it to the can! Cool guy! I would later admit to Pam, his being nice made me think that I should kick up my feet and pace!

How we ran…Seriously, how many 20k races are there?! I will say, in the DC metro area, we don’t have a lot of 20k races. You can run a 5k just about any weekend of the year and a lot of 10ks, 10-milers, half marathons, marathons, and triathlons…but not so many 20ks. This was the first of this race distance for Pam and me. So, HELLO, Automatic PR by showing up and crossing the finish line. THAT’S A GREAT FEELING since my running hasn’t been completely up-to-par. And a race isn’t complete without brunch! It’s become the traditional “end” of most of our races…and it’s usually French Toast and I crave salt (aka bacon) after long races!

Leesburg Diner…not the best French Toast (or I wasn’t in the mood) but it was “old diner style” inside and I like that!

mile 4…half fanatic and the damn doppelgänger!

51 weeks ago, I celebrated my 32nd birthday early by running my first half marathon. Five half marathons later, I have learned a lot about running and about myself as a runner. My growth hasn’t just been in running, I’ve learned a lot about love, life, and choosing happiness, all while pounding the pavement.

What a crazy week! It had many ups and downs personally and professionally. When the work week came to a close, I could finally focus on the race ahead…the one that would qualify Pam and me for Half Fanatic status! On Saturday, after a quick (and successful) visit to the Historic Half Expo, we met up with some of our Tuesday night run club friends as well as some Facebook group friends! Great conversation, yummy food, and that damn doppelgänger!

I thought it was a crazy sight at the Derby Mini Marathon. At nearly the same moment, a man caught the attention of Pam and me…he looked like a guy that I used to know. (Do you know the Gotye song?! That sums up the relationship with this guy.) It was uncanny and strange and then I PR-ed…because of me, my feet, and my spirit. So, as we enjoyed our dinner before this most recent race, I couldn’t help but notice a man who was seated a couple tables behind us…oh, a new doppelgänger of the SAME GUY! What was this, I joked and said maybe I would PR again! Pam said, he wasn’t as doppel-y but agreed there was an eerie resemblance. Unfortunately this sighting brought bad luck! Haha!

Little did I know, I would develop a stomach bug that would grow in annoyance over the course of the 13.1 miles! For as hot and humid as the day was, I ran with goosebumps, avoiding all the sprinklers meant to cool the runners. My stomach churned and nothing appeased my tastebuds. I walked at times, reminding myself that today I HAD to cross the finish line with my own feet, which I did. So, I tried my best to “own” the hills and to enjoy the hospitality of Fredericksburg. The residents are fun with their own water tables, sprinklers, and jello-shots! (I’ll be honest this course would have been tough for the healthy version of me!) I slightly picked up the pace when the finish was within my manageable reach. Making my way to the food and water tables, after being congratulated by a Marine and given my medal, I heard my name. In a confused state, while my body slowed from the run, my stomach grew exponentially worse and I couldn’t figure out who was talking to me. In my embarrassment, it was the new friend from dinner the evening before. He kindly accepted my unusual behavior and after chatting for a bit while perusing the table, I lost sight of him. In attempt to find comfort at the race, while all I wanted was the comfort of my own bathroom and bed, I slowly meandered around, until finally making it to our second meeting place and laying on the hard black top. In the sun, my goosebumps fell and my stomach calmed. I barely moved when Pam called to me. It was a long couple of hours trying to comfort my unrested stomach. It is still unsettled as I write this…

Nevertheless, this race was monumental on so many levels. It was our friend Bridgette’s first half marathon and she totally rocked the tough course! It was also our HF qualifying race…

But resting in bed yesterday with a laptop, meant I opened the Half Fanatic emails as soon as I received them and I am excited to announce, that after months of researching, planning, training, and racing, PAM AND I ARE HALF FANATICS! We achieved our 2012 Running Goal! No doppelgänger needed! Just a plan, some good running shoes, some fun races, and positive spirit! It’s a sweeter achievement with a friend! Congratulations #2430 from #2431!

° ° ° ° °

And now that our current racing season has come to a close, aside for some fun 5ks, I am set to start marathon training–MY FIRST MARATHON TRAINING for the Semper Fi Fund! (Learn more here!) With some researching, planning, and training, I’m sure to be ready come race day…there’s no stopping the 2012 Fanatical Running Tour!