sometimes i need a fast forward button…

Consider yourself saved. AND you’re welcome!
My original post was quite…depressing!

Let’s just say, the summer cannot get here fast enough. This has been one of the most difficult times in my not-so-very-long life! (That’s my way of saying, I’m still young.)

And without belaboring over a bunch of things I can, and some, I cannot change, I am just going to say…many people have disappointed me this year. While I am a good friend, if you treat me without care, I go. No need to stick around for fair-weather people. So, in my sorting out process of the original post, I decided to give up social media for…I don’t know…a while! Oh, wait, I’m not giving up my little blog just the other stuff!

I read a recent post about running–solo or with others? It such an interesting question to me. When I started, I’ll be quite honest, I ran because of this guy. I hadn’t run since high school gym class until one October when I ran with a local running club and by December, this guy in the club was talking to me, messaging me…and then I had the Cherry Blossom Ten-Miler to train for…he actually trained me. I would not have run if he didn’t have me out running the trails every weekend. I didn’t care too much for it. Complained and whined. I could have earned an Oscar for my performance. I even lied convincingly! He would ask how my weekdays training runs were going and I said great and even gave distances…for trainings I never completed! HAHA! So, I wouldn’t have trained or realized my potential without a partner.

But, once that race was completed and I registered for my first half marathon, I realized I COULDN’T RUN with HIM! I think he thought he was being nice but I never wanted to be fast…just a finisher. That my goal…finish the race. I think (but I don’t know for a fact) he wanted to train me for speed. It was the beginning of the end. THANK HEAVENS!

Then, what?! To run, or not to run, that was the question. I was still running with the running club but did I need to race more distances? More races? YES! I had more in me, but would I run on my own? History pointed to a big flashing neon sign that said NO! But, you know what, I did run! It was the whining and complaining that was history! I trained myself for five half marathons and a full marathon in 2012.

And, now I am back in training mode! I’ve put in some longer distances. I didn’t meet my goal of 18 miles today…but close. Phewy! But, it’s no longer a fear that I cannot do it. I can. I’ve proved that time and time again. And, for me, there’s something completely satisfying about running over my own finish line (front door) ON MY OWN. Personal victory!

Now, if I could just find that fast forward button!

I don't know where I found this photo but I LOVE IT!
I don’t know where I found this photo but I LOVE IT!

life is for living…

be warned…this is a completely RANDOM post with random thoughts, meandering ideas, and likely in the end this will be a post about nothing!

so, i am a planner. i realize that more and more the older i get. the plans don’t have to be followed and can change. shoot the plans can be cancelled. i just like the possibility of the opportunity of whatever the plan is for… i have a friend that appears to never plan and has all the fun! now that’s living.

this said friend and i are going to try a long run…that’s the plan! but he doesn’t plan…but next week, we may or may not run a long training run together because that’s the plan without a plan. it may happen on tuesday, or maybe wednesday, or it won’t happen because…yep, you got it, that’s the plan!

also, interesting…i don’t run with people. i learned to run on my own at the turn of the 2012 calendar year. i liked my positive, reflective running thoughts that occur on solo runs. in fact, at run club, i tried my best not to run with people. just run, and socialize later. then my non-planner friend ran a RACE with me. i think we ran a few times at run club before that…where i complained that i don’t run with people. (in my mind, i am holding the person back from their own “quality” run but would you know, some people care less about pace and more about enjoyment?!) and he’s so genuinely positive. running is fun! this past run club, we ran, skipped, and galloped! we laughed bellowing laughs…because running, like life, should be fun! (oh, and while it’s NOT about pace, we ran an enjoyable 8:40 pace, where we weren’t always running!) FUN!

and finally, i have a “friend” where our “relationship” is entirely through texting. currently, it’s the most random piece of my life. i was volun-told recently, where i met this guy. a series of random occurrences followed and so began the random texting. not sure why i bring this up, except there was another text today. and, so randomly, maybe there is a plan for next week, but then again, i also have my non-plans…i may have to go back to planning.

and in the field of “you don’t need to know this”…i am pretty worried that i am about to lose my left middle toenail. oh, i told you about the gross blister under that nail and now the nail is loose. at least, we’re almost out of sandal weather!

so random, so life. guess i’ll just go on with my random livin’ but with a plan!

Happy Running this weekend! May it be perfectly fun and randomly enjoyable!